CPSD - Commentary

Jerusalem and Trump Statement - Responses That We Need To Opt For

The issue of Israel and Palestine and settlements of Israelites in Jerusalem since 1967, has taken a new turn last night after Trump's statement to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moving US - embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

It is taken by international community as a blatant disregard not only to international law and human rights abuses committed by Israeli forces, but also a disregard to UN resolutions, commitments and obligations of international community for a vision which was conceived for the settlement of two states living side by side with peace, harmony and security within international recognized borders is considered as a viable solution. A vision for a long term peace for Middle East and beyond.

Human rights abuses in lands such Palestine and Kashmir, coupled with rising intolerance towards Islam, resulting into Islam o phobia, racism and inequality show cases aggressive designs of different stake holders. From Trump's statement, It is taken as an evidence and it helps in strengthening the argument, that administration and establishment of USA now seek to knock up Muslim anxiety with manifestation of ideas such as helplessness to develop a frustration for system and disregard for leaders in Muslim community, which will eventually lead to a boiling point of radical through process resulting into violence and chaos inside and outside Muslim world.

It is now important, more than ever, to focus on mobilizing international collective conscience, where a sense of responsibility and sanity prevails. Project the human rights abuses that is taking place in areas like Palestine, Kashmir and elsewhere and rally them around a vision of co-existence and settlement through negotiations, rationality with resilience and a strong discourse to avoid violence resulting into internal and external implosions. Donald give up on the mission, but donald fall prey to the call for extreme behaviors, attitudes and measures.

Individuals, organizations, communities and nations need to stand up and speak against the injustice that is taking place around them. Shying away is not the solution, facing it, with Knowledge empowerment, rationale discourse and a campaign to highlight issues like Palestine and Kashmir will yield the results and opportunities that we all have to take as best possible options for peace with security and progress for the human race collectively.